Celebrating National Author's Day
Thank you Meadowbrook Elementary for inviting me to share my writing journey!
This morning I got a text from my aunt wishing me a Happy National Author’s Day. Thank you, Judy.
The word author made me pause, though.
Imposter syndrome is…a thing. I have been writing stories about animals and faraway places ever since I was a kid, I have been a journalist on and off for more than a decade, and my first children’s picture book manuscript was published this spring. I *am* an author. Even if that word catches in my throat at times.
And today, when I shared “Waverly Braves the Breeze: The Story of a Galapagos Albatross” and my own writing journey during a K-5 school assembly with over 200 kids, it felt real. Especially when a youngster asked me what inspired me to be an author. I then asked if anyone was interested in writing a book one day and a bunch of hands reached for the sky.
I loved seeing the enthusiasm from the kids when I asked them to share about a time when they felt brave or felt like they were being a good friend, or when I answered animal facts (did you know that a whale shark is about the size of a school bus?). An inquisitive child asked me if the Galápagos Islands were home to the most “cartilaginous” fish, and I had to ask for a definition before I could respond (there are a lot of sharks and manta rays in that area).
I was able to share other Galápagos books (like “Island” by Jason Chin @authorjasonchin) and books about bravery (like “The Koala Who Could” by Rachel Bright @rachelbrightbooks and illustrated by Jim Field @_jimfield and “Jabari Jumps” by Gaia Cornwall @gaiacornwall) as resources for further discovery.
And, hopefully, I was able to impart how it’s possible to do hard things. Even when we’re nervous. The things that scare us or intimidate us are often the things that help us grow the most. They can be the most memorable or worthwhile. Sometimes we just need a little courage — and encouragement from friends — to help our dreams take flight.
Thank you to my friend Katie for inviting me and to Melissa co-organizing my visit to Meadowbrook today, as well as all of the wonderful students, staff, and teachers. And thank you to my mom (my first and favorite storyteller), who watched Z on her day off of school so I could read to other kids. And thank YOU for supporting authors. You all brighten my day!